Saturday, 9 April 2011

Patience is needed for asparagus

I planted out my asparagus crowns ignoring all gardening advice. You are supposed to dig a trench, fill it with good compost, create a ridge, water it, place the crown with the roots spread out on the ridge and back fill gently. And water again.

I did none of that. I scraped out some space in one of my compacted raised beds, dumped the crowns in, leaving some roots a bit exposed and forgot to water. in the dry weather I assumed they were dead.

Despite this, I've spotted a few brave shoots breaking through. Maybe they are tougher than we give them credit for.

Asparagus are perennial plants and need time to establish themselves and that is why it is wise to give them the best possible start in life.

This includes ignoring the exciting new shoots that are appearing from the crowns I planted last year (somewhat unwisely in a sort of pathway). You should only really harvest in the 3rd year and even then sparingly.

Not an ideal crop for impatient people like me. But the taste will be all the sweeter for waiting. Hopefully.

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