Sunday, 27 March 2011

Spring forward

Top tip: sow potatoes with plenty of soil on each side to retain water well and make earthing up easy later on.

Last night the clocks went forward and our evenings will be lighter for longer.

We defied the weather gods who had predicted clouds and rain and had another glorious weekend. Even though the plants would welcome some rain I relish this early sunshine as it encourages me to get down to the allotment and sow more crops.

This weekend, in went peas kevlon wonder (as a border where the sunflowers were - trouble for later?) and beetroot boltardy - which I persist in despite it not being popular at home as beetroot is amazingly healthy and also trendy in the food world. I also sowed broccoli raab 60 days which I believe is a true broccoli not a calabrese and as the name suggests is fast growing so I fully expect a crop at the end of may. I sowed both the beetroot and broccoli side by side in blocks on land where potatoes used to grow as you should avoid planting brassicas in the same place two years in a row. Oh and I also sowed some salsify next to the shallots - an experiment as they are supposed to have a subtle oyster-like taste. Let's see.

Looking at Bernie's plot, I was mightily impressed by the beautifully piled up mounds of earth where he has planted his potatoes. Slightly concerned though as my potato section is flat as a pancake. Wonder if, once the tops come through I can fake it by adding compost on top?

One hopeful shallot is already peeking through and the broad beans are looking lovely though very immature compared to a neighbour's autumn sown ones.

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