Saturday, 13 November 2010

Green manures and the first frosts

The first frosts came on the 24th October and this is apparently the earliest frost to hit the area for the last 8-9 years.

Though the plants in the garden have survived because they are sheltered by fences and the house walls, the tender herbs on the allotment have not fared as well.  The purple beans, nasturtiums, and pineapple sage have all been affected. In fact the nasturtiums have collapsed completely.

So off to the compost heap they go though some people think to treat them in the same way as green manures. That is to dig them in and return the goodness directly to the soil to break down over the winter.  I sowed phaecelia into the fruit area - this has pretty frondy leaves and can flower though in a fit of tidiness I have also cleared this and put it onto a compost heap (one of many developing all over the plot).

Some green manures can return nitrogen into the soil such as clover and field beans as they work in the same way as all beans and have nodules on their roots that break down into nitrogen in the soil.  Others are fast growing and provide efficient ground cover and suppress weeds over the winter.


  1. The Greedy Growing is just like the Green manures and the first frosts. And also the plants in the garden have survived.

  2. So glad to hear they have survived. I have had fun clearing some of the allotment but there is still a long way to go.

  3. Immigration on a whole is very beneficial to Canada and its residents. History tells repeatedly that it is human kind that loses its previleges. Immigration is good for Canada and its people in any way you consider but the undeue advantage taken by a few people in the name of refugee act bestowed by Canadian government is being highly misused. We have to wait and see how far Canada can allow people in the name of refugees. Of course, humanitarian concerns are to be given the highest priority for human kind’s development and survival but misuse of a syustm is highly deplorable. Let us all pray that the gates of immigration be not closed for all those good people and eligible aspirants just because of the refugees who infiltrate this country and can be a bigger and unsolvable problem. As of now Canada is large in heart and resources.
