Top tip: cover your brassicas with netting to stop pigeons from eating them and catch problems early before they get out of hand.
I am worried. My brussel sprouts aren't sprouting very well. In fact they look grey. I don't know if it's mildew or a grey aphid that I spotted earlier in the season and ignored. It's in the main patch and has spread throughout the brussel sprouts. There are early signs of the sprouts but they look a little frilly. Luckily the 'grey' hasn't spread to the Kale 'Cavolo Nero' or the cabbages but I don't know what to do about it.
The other patch however by the compost bins (soon to be decommissioned - sorry Tom, you're hard work is being replaced by a shed) is doing fine and it's exciting to see the developing buds. With luck we'll have our own sprouts for Christmas. That is as long as we don't have to sacrifice them when rebuilding the shed. On that topic, does it make me a lazy allotmenteer to pay another person to construct the shed and move my compost? I like to see it as sharing the goods - I have a job (hooray!) and he doesn't always. He is a builder and I'm not. He has skills and I definitely don't. He has time and I don't. Surely it's the best for all around?
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