Tuesday, 14 September 2010

Keep going - or else stop when it gets too tough...

I have an admission to make. I can't grow radishes. Yes, the seeds that are supposedly so easy to grow they are given to impatient children to grow and I can't grow them. Well, that's not strictly true. The first two times I tried nothing happened other than a couple of woody narrow stems.

Sometimes though it is worth persisting. I've got the hang of it now. I have no idea why better but I have planted in looser ground and that seems to work. As a result for my persistence I was rewarded with bumper crop of over 700g. Unfortunately I now have no idea how to use them all up. So far all I have done is to grate and freeze them.

Other problem plants I have had have been: carrots, peppers and aubergines.

I fail to see the benefit of growing carrots. They are slow to germinate, cost a pittance to buy in shops and when home grown, are a nightmare to prepare.

Equally I won't bother with peppers or aubergines in the future. They take up precious propagating space in the spring and, without a greenhouse, they are slow growing and unproductive. I don't even have a hint of an aubergine and my peppers are green and unprolific at best. They might be better in a greenhouse however as I am about to devote precious space to an overgrown shed (a result of a planning permission cock up). The only ones that might see a decent crop that isn't green and bitter are the long thin ones given to me by a neighbour.  They have three more weeks to turn red otherwise it's curtains for them.

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